All terms and conditions of the Declaration of Condominium, the Bylaws, and these Rules and Regulations apply to all Units and the Common Elements. Unit Owners and Occupants should become familiar with the Rules and Regulations, and should advise their Guests of applicable provisions. The Rules and Regulations listed here and the Declaration and Bylaws are binding upon each Owner, Occupant and Guest of Park at Ashford and will be strictly enforced.
Homeowners of record of a unit at Park at Ashford are responsible for the actions of their Guests and Occupants of their units. All Occupants and Guests are expected to observe the Rules and Regulations hereby set forth and all fines or legal sanctions stemming from violations on their part will be levied on the Unit Owner. Any Owner or Occupant may report violations of Rules and Regulations. A written statement addressed to the Management Agent or a Board member shall do this. The statement should contain the Unit number and/or name of the person in violation, a description of the violation as observed, the date, and approximate time the violation was observed. The statement should be signed by the Owner or Occupant and countersigned by the observer, if different. If an Owner or Occupant has observed a violation of a rule or regulation, and if the violation may be deemed dangerous to others, or to the property, it should be reported verbally as soon as possible to the Management Agent and/or a Board member, and followed up by a written statement.
In the event of a dispute, interpretation of these Rules and Regulations by the Board shall be final and binding on all parties concerned.
Fines and Legal Sanctions
The Board shall have the power to impose reasonable fines, which shall constitute a lien upon the Owner's Unit, and to suspend an Owner's right to vote or to use the Common Elements for violation of any duty imposed under the Declaration, Bylaws, or the Rules and Regulations. The Board may elect to enforce any provision of the Declaration, Bylaws, or these Rules and Regulations by self-help (specifically including, but not limited to, towing of vehicles, performing maintenance on any Unit upon a failure by the Unit Owner to so do) or by suit at law or in equity to enjoin any violation or to recover monetary damages or both without the necessity for compliance with the procedure set forth in Article 5, Sections 1, 2 & 3 of the Bylaws.
Pool Rules
There is NO lifeguard on duty; swim at your own risk.
Hours are 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
No glass, sharp objects or other hazardous materials.
Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
No solo bathing. Bathers shall wear proper bathing attire.
No standing on chairs.
Clean up after yourself and your guests. Owners are responsible for any damage done by themselves, renters or guests.
No glass at the pool – make plans for other containers.
No one is permitted in the lake, creeks or the ravine.
Parents, please review the pool rules and general safety tips with your children.
Owners, please review with your renters.
Guests are limited to 4 guests per unit.
Any items left at the pool after closing will be discarded
No parties will be allowed without prior approval. A security deposit of $200 will be refunded after the pool area has been cleaned and there is no damage to the pool or poo area.
No signs of any kind, except for those required by legal proceedings, shall be erected, placed or permitted to remain on the Condominium without prior written consent of the Board of Directors.
The exception is one (1) professional security sign that is not to exceed six inches (6”) by six inches (6”) in size may be displayed from within a Unit.
The Board shall have the right to erect reasonable and appropriate signs on behalf of the Association.
Unsightly or Unkempt Conditions
Clothing, bedding, rugs, mops, appliances, indoor furniture and other household items shall not be placed or stored outside the unit.
The pursuit of hobbies or other activities, including but not limited to the assembly and disassembly of motor vehicles and other mechanical devices, which might tend to cause disorderly, unsightly, or unkempt conditions, shall not be pursued or undertaken on any part of the Condominium.
Holiday Decorations
Holiday Decorations should be removed no later than two (2) weeks from the holiday.
Window Treatments
All windows in units must have window treatments.
The color of all window treatments must be white or off-white from visible from the outside.
Bed sheets or bedspreads shall not be used as window treatments
Towels may not be used to keep out cold or moisture.
Satellite Dishes
No transmission antenna, of any kind, may be erected anywhere on the Condominium, including the units, without written approval of the Board of Directors or the Architectural Control Committee.
No direct broadcast satellite (DBS) antenna or multi-channel multi-point distribution service (MMDS) antenna larger than one meter in diameter shall be placed, allowed or maintained upon the Condominium, including the Units and the Limited Common Elements.
DBS and MMDS satellite dishes or antennas one meter or less in diameter and television broadcast service antennas may only be installed in accordance with Federal CommunicationCommission (FCC) rules and the rule and regulations of the Association, both as may be amended from time to time.
Patios and Decks
No objects other than patio furniture and potted plants shall be placed on a patio or deck
No plastic furniture is allowed on a patio or deck
No more than thirty six inches (36”) of potted plants are allowed on a balcony
I.e. One (1) plant that is six inches (6”) by six inches (6”) in diameter
No more than one hundred forty-four inches (144”) of potted plants are allowed on a patio or deck
I.e. Four (4) plants six inches (6”) by six inches (6”) in diameter
No objects that exceed forty-two inches (42”) in height
No objects such as, but not limited to, grills (excluding electric grills), umbrellas, bicycles, laundry garments, towels, etc. are not allowed on patios or decks
No object shall be allowed to hang over or be attached to any patio or deck wall
Penetration of the surfaces of a patio or deck or floor is prohibited.
Enclosure of a patio or deck is prohibited
Enclosure shall mean the permanent enclosure of a patio or deck into the heated and cooled space within the boundaries of a unit
No plants or objects may be hung form he ceiling above a balcony (the floor of the balcony above)
Patio and decks are assigned to each unit as a limited common element.Owners are responsible to keep limited common elements in a neat, clean and sanitary condition.
The Association is responsible for the periodic painting, staining and/or cleaning of exterior surfaces on a schedule to be determined by the Board of Directors
Patio and decks cannot be resurfaced without Board approval
Stepping Stones
Only the community approved stepping stone will be used.
A maximum of 5 stones can be installed
Stone specs – Can be purchased at Lowe’s, item #477094 (Allegheny Cobble)
Door Mats
Door mats are not allowed in the interior hallways.
Speed Limit
The speed limit in the community is 15mph
Only two (2) dogs and/or cats per unit are allowed
A reasonable number of other generally recognized household pets, determined at the Board’s sole discretion, weighing less than two (2) pounds each
Including, but not limited to fish, gerbils and small birds
Pets must be kept on a leash and be under physical control at all times while on the common elements
Feces must be immediately picked up and deposited in a proper trash receptacle
No potbellied pigs or venomous snakes.
Any dogs determined by the Board’s sole discretion to be dangerous shall not be brought onto or kept on the Condominium at any time.
This includes, but is not limited to, Akita, Rottweiler, Doberman Pinscher, German Shepard, Pit Bull including American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier and Bull Terrier, Show, Presa Canario, Shar-Peis, any mixed breed that includes any prohibited breed, dogs with specific defense or attack training, former Military or Police trained dogs, and any dog with a history of biting.
The Board my require that any pet that endangers the health of any Owner or Occupant, or creates a nuisance or unreasonable disturbance, be permanently removed from the Condominium upon seven (7) days written notice
If an Owner or Occupant fails to do so, the Board may remove the pet
The Board may remove any pet which presents an immediate danger to the health, safety or property of any community member, without prior notice
All rubbish, trash and garbage shall be regularly removed from the Unit and shall not be allowed to accumulate therein
No garbage or trash shall be temporarily placed on the Common Elements or Limited Common Elements outside the unit
Rubbish, trash and garbage shall be disposed of in sealed bags and placed in the trash dumpster
No boxes shall be left outside of the dumpsters
Trash shall not be placed on the exterior of cars while being transported to the dumpster
Do not leave the compactor lids open
Due to the close proximity of the condos, noise and vibration may be detectable between units. Please be mindful of your neighbors and do not conduct activities inside your home that may disturb others. If there is a disturbance, please contact the local authorities.
No contractors shall work prior to 8:30am and shall be complete by 6:00pm, Monday through Saturday. No work shall be done on a unit on Sunday or Holidays
The parking lot within The Park at Ashford Condominium is for the exclusive use of The Park at Ashford Condominium homeowners, visitors, and for those having business with the Association.
You must be current on your assessments or other financial obligation to the Association in order to obtain a parking permit.Owners (including their tenants), who are delinquent lose their right to park on the common elements if they are more than 30 days delinquent.
To receive a parking permit, you must fully complete a Park at Ashford Condominium Resident Information Form and provide it to the property manager.
Permits will only be issued only to person(s) listed as owner(s) or as a tenant on a lease.
Parking stickers must be conspicuously displayed in the front window on the Driver side.It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure that the current permit is readily visible.
Residents are responsible for informing their guests of community parking regulations.
Parking permits are non-transferable.Fraudulent use of parking passes (using false information to obtain passes, transferring parking passes, etc.) will result in suspension of parking privileges.
Homeowners will receive two (2) Guest Parking tags on request.These hang tags must be displayed on the rearview mirror with the ID numbers in view.
Guest permits are valid for a maximum of 14 days.Vehicles with guest permits for more than 14 days need to apply for a permit.
Vehicles may not park in any unrestricted space.
Vehicles must have current tags and registration and be in working condition.
Disable or stored vehicles, commercial vehicles, boats and other watercraft, trailers, and recreational vehicles (RV’s, campers and motor homes) are prohibited from being parked on the Condominium.A vehicle will be considered “disabled” if it does not have a current license tag or is obviously inoperable.A vehicle shall be considered “stored” if it remains on the Condominium without being driven for fourteen (14) consecutive days or longer without prior written permission from the Board of Directors.This rule does NOT apply to emergency vehicle repairs or to commercial vehicles that are temporarily parked for purpose of servicing Units or the Condominium.
Vehicles may never be driven or placed on curbs or No Parking zones.Vehicles parked in No Parking zones are subject to automatic removal.
Commercial Vehicles approved by the Board of Directors must be covered420
Vehicles not displaying a valid permit (Park at Ashford Parking Decal and/or Guest hang tag) will be stickered and subject to towing at the vehicle owner’s expense.A twenty-four (24) hour warning notice to remove the vehicle will be given.If the vehicle permit is not placed on the vehicle or the vehicle is not removed during this 24 hour period, the vehicle may be towed.
Before an unauthorized vehicle is booted or towed, the Board of Directors shall cause a notice to be placed on the unauthorized vehicle stating: (a) the nature of the violation is that parking for the vehicle has been suspended and the vehicle is therefore unauthorized to park at the Park at Ashford; (b) the name and telephone number of a person to contact regarding the violation; and (c) the vehicle will be booted or towed after twenty-four (24) hours.
If an unauthorized vehicle is not removed from the Condominium within twenty-four (24) hours after such notice is placed on the vehicle, the vehicle may be towed.Thereafter, if that vehicle is subsequently parked on the Common Elements while it remains an unauthorized vehicle, it may be booted or towed without further notice.
The Board of Directors will NOT reimburse towing costs for any reason.The Association accepts no responsibility or liability for the actions of the independent towing contractor.
The Association shall not be held liable for loss or damage to any vehicle and any items in any vehicles, placed or kept in any parking area on the Condominium.Each Owner or Occupant who places or keeps a vehicle and/or any personal property in a vehicle or parking area does so at his or her own risk.
The Board of Directors shall cause, or has caused a notice to be conspicuously placed on the common elements stating the following: (a) unauthorized vehicles shall be towed at the expense of the owner of the vehicle, (b) the name and telephone number of the person or entity which will do the towing, and (c) information as to where the vehicle can be recovered and any other information that may be required by law.
These rules are enforceable twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven days a week.
Issued parking permits are voided when a permit is revoked, expired, exchanged, a new permit is issued.
The rules contained in this policy do not supersede the Park at Ashford Towing policy nor any parking related rules included in the Declaration.
Garage Sales
Garage sales, yard sales, flea markets, or similar activities are prohibited unless approved in writing by the Board of Directors
Firearms and Fireworks
The display or discharge of firearms or fireworks on the common areas is strictly prohibited
The use of outdoor grills, other than electric grills, on any portion of the Condominium building, including, without limitation, patios or decks is prohibited.
Owners and Occupants are allowed to use grills located on the Common Elements that are provided by the Association
Leasing is defined “as regular, exclusive occupancy of a unit by any person other than the owner.” Occupancy by a roommate of an owner who occupies the unit does not constitute leasing. Unit will be considered leased if a family member not listed on the deed is occupying the unit as the primary occupant.
All homeowners must have board approval to lease his/her unit.
There is a 25% leasing cap for the community.
Two permit types are available:
Leasing Permit
Hardship Leasing Permit
Permits are only valid to a specific Unit Owner and Unit and is not transferable between units or owners.
All owners leasing their units must provide a copy of the Rules and Regulations to their tenants.
Leasing Permits
Board approval is required for all leasing permits, and there is currently a long waiting list to obtain one. Please contact Heritage Property Management for more information to to request addition to the waiting list. Owners must be current on dues and have no outstanding balances to maintain their leasing permit and position on the waiting list.
Hardships Leasing Permits
Board approval is required for all hardship permits - please contact Beacon Management Services for more information and an application.